
Starseed Reading – 60 minutes




Starseed Reading:

60 minutes


I will connect with your Soul (Higher Self) & invite in your Spirit Guides, Angels & Galactic Star Team who are overseeing your Soul’s journey in this lifetime.  I will channel through their messages to help you to gain guidance, knowledge & wisdom regarding your Starseed lineage, including your planet of origin, & help to bring forth your Galactic skills, gifts & abilities, PLUS help you to gain clarity on your Soul’s purpose/mission/why you are here.

After payment is received for your booking, you will receive a confirmation email from me which will include available dates & further information.

If you choose an Email Reading, I will require a current photo of you, in which your face and eyes can clearly be seen, sent to me by email.

I will record your session so you can listen to it again, as many times as you wish.

For an Email Reading you will receive an MP3 audio recording sent to you by email.  For an in-person Reading via Zoom, Messenger or WhattsApp, you can choose to receive an MP3 audio only file, or an MP4 video file which will be sent to your e-mail address. You will receive the email from where you can easily download your file.

Starseed Readings connect you with the energies of your Higher Self and your Galactic Family which can facilitate Deep Soul Healing and can empower you by providing you with the guidance you need to help you make life changes with confidence. Readings can enable you to feel more at peace with yourself and more balanced in all, or specific areas, of your life. Readings can also be very empowering and liberating, helping you to release guilt, trauma, old “baggage” etc.

I am honoured to be your Triple Aquarian Ascension Wayshower & super excited to be of Higher Service for you so that I may channel through exactly what you need at this time!